
Anita Hettena

Anita Hettena

My path to clay was long and twisty, and not the typical route. I think it reflects my love of learning and a desire to experience life fully. I hope that it is a testament to others with varied interests, who perhaps are despairing, as I once did, that they did not know what their one true passion is.

I spent my early 20’s getting a Ph.D. in Anatomy and Evolution. I played with skulls and monkeys, I got to go to Africa, work at the Smithsonian…all life-long dreams. But, secretly, I realized, not my life calling. I then found teaching - human anatomy and biology at a community college. I loved it and I thought I had finally found why I was put on earth. I loved helping people. 13 years later, though, tenure in hand, I was tired and just wanted to see my kids. I said goodbye to focus on family. And in that break is when I discovered ceramics. I took a pottery class on a whim, and quickly become obsessed with all things clay.

A garage was converted, and Etsy shop was opened, and that’s the long round-about way that AMH Ceramics was born.

Texture, color, and joy are the themes of this shop. While most of my pieces are functional (think bowls, mugs, plates, pitchers, menorahs, etc.) I also make some sculptures and artistic decorations. It is my pleasure, and honor, to share my love of this art and craft with others.